Windows EN
It may happen that Skyle is not recognized directly on Windows 10 and thus no connection can be established. To be able to use Skyle, please follow the steps below:
Open the Device Manager (Start => Device Manager).
2. If Skyle is not detected directly, an unrecognized device will pop up when Skyle is ready. You can install the driver by right-clicking and then clicking "Update Driver".
3. Now another dialog opens. The driver should already be on your PC (Browse my computer for drivers)
4. The required driver can now be selected from a list.
5. Go to “Network adapters”
6. The driver can be found under the manufacturer "Microsoft" - the name of the driver is "UsbNcm Host Device".
7. you will now receive a warning that you can accept.
8. Skyle is successfully detected as a network adapter.
9. If you want to test the connection, either install the Skyle app or follow our instructions in our wiki: Validate Windows 10 Ethernet